The prerequisite for this are national and international meeting places for the sector, which offer all players the chance to present innovations and to make and cultivate contacts with potent business partners. This offers them a clear competitive advantage because more and more customers are demanding complex solutions that, to a greater or lesser degree, are made up of numerous different systems.

Spread strategically around the globe, nine Messe Frankfurt events are the network hubs for the safety and security sector. In 2017, 2,234 exhibitors came together with 99,912 visitors at the Intersec and Secutech fairs in Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Dubai, Frankfurt, Ho Chi Minh City, Jeddah, Mumbai and Taipei. “A society – regardless of where in the world – can only exploit its potential to the full if it feels safe and secure”, said Wolfgang Marzin, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Messe Frankfurt. And, he added, “Messe Frankfurt ensures this – worldwide.”
The safety and security portfolio of Messe Frankfurt includes the world’s leading trade fair for electronic safety and security and fire protection, Intersec in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). The focal-point theme there was the future-oriented potential of artificial intelligence and robotics.
At Intersec Dubai from 21 to 23 January 2018, over 1,300 exhibitors from 59 nations presented product and system innovations for the field of safety, security and fire to a highly interested and involved audience of around 30,000 trade visitors from 121 countries.
Under the motto, ‘Security meets Smart Building’, the Intersec Forum in Frankfurt am Main will be held for the third time within the framework of ISH (2017) and Light + Building (2016/2018) from 19 to 23 March 2018. The conference programme covers all topical aspects relating to the interconnection of safety and security systems in modern buildings, i.e., digital access control, cyber security and video-based fire detection.
Messe Frankfurt is reacting to the growing demand from the international market with two new events in 2017 and 2018: safety and security platforms in China and Croatia.
Guangzhou Public Security Technology
The coming Guangzhou Public Security Technology trade fair from 9 to 12 June 2018 is being organised jointly for the first time by the GPST Association and Messe Frankfurt. Around 200 companies have registered to make presentations and show their innovations at the China Import & Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou. The event, which will focus on ‘public safety and security’ is the leading trade fair for the sector in South China.
Adria Security Summit
For the second time, Messe Frankfurt is supporting the Adria Security Summit in Ljubljana, Slovenia, which will next be held from 12 to 14 September 2018. The suffix ‘powered by Intersec’ was added in 2017. Through the strategic cooperation with the organiser, Global Security d.o.o, a company based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Messe Frankfurt has reinforced its commitment to the safety and security sector in the Balkans. The Adria Security Summit is a high-grade regional conference for safety and security technology with an accompanying trade exhibition.
Further information about all events for the safety and security sector can be found at
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With over 2,500 employees at some 30 locations, the company generates annual sales of around €661* million. Thanks to its far-reaching ties with the relevant sectors and to its international sales network, the Group looks after the business interests of its customers effectively. A comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services.
With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).
* preliminary figures for 2017
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