A blend of specialist knowledge, trend themes and networking
Whether trade, commerce, industry, planning offices or the building and housing industry as well as public authorities and utilities – decision makers from the sanitary and HVAC sector can anticipate a multi-faceted programme of events. Ensuring rapid orientation, participants are being offered a thematic grouping of events in the form of hotspots for the first time.
Hotspot Energy: The focus is on a comprehensive programme of lectures covering the most important issues facing the heating sector, which will be debated in panel discussions with politicians and representatives of the industry, the trade and associations. To be held in the west foyer of Hall 12, the programme has been organised by the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH), the German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services (VdZ) and the German Sanitation, Heating and Air Conditioning Association (ZVSHK). Flanked by the Technology and Energy Forum, which has been organised under the auspices of the BDH and other partners, the spotlight is on the diversification of sources of energy and the reduction of emissions in the heating sector. The aim is to offer a compact overview of the political framework and potential solutions for achieving climate-protection goals. The installation trade has a decisive role to play in bringing about a successful energy revolution. Adjacent to the Forum, the Meeting Place for the Installation Trade is the ZVSHK’s central point of contact for visitors from the sanitary and HVAC trade. Promising solutions by newcomers are to be seen at the VdZ’s Startup@ISH area in Hall 11.0. Rising to the challenges of the future calls for imaginative ideas and alternative approaches by creative minds.
Increased attention will be paid at ISH 2023 to intelligent networked energy systems in buildings, as well as the subjects of energy storage and energy management. At the Energy Storage@ISH special area in Hall 12.1, selected manufacturers present their solutions for battery storage systems in buildings in cooperation with the Battery Section of the German Electro and Digital Industry Association (ZVEI). In this connection, several companies are showing their home-energy management solutions, which intelligently link, monitor and manage the various in-house power flows to efficiently and sustainably cover demand in the building, at the Energy Management@ISH in Hall 12. This special area has been organised under the auspices of the EEBus Initiative.
Against the background of great progress in the energy revolution in the buildings sector – in terms of legislation and funding programmes – the German Energy Consultants’ Conference will be held parallel to ISH 2023 on 14 March. Given the huge changes taking place in the energy market, sound energy advice is in greater demand than ever before. The rapid pace of change is a challenge for all players and the German Energy Consultants’ Conference offers them a high degree of certainty and orientation.
Hotspot Indoor-Air: A hygienic supply of air in buildings reduces health risks and promotes staff efficiency and well-being. The subject of air supply also makes an important contribution to CO2-reduction and energy-saving goals. At the Indoor-Air Forum in Hall 8, insights into the latest themes and trends in the cooling, air-conditioning and ventilation sector will be offered at a variety of interesting panel discussions and lectures by the Association of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK), the European Ventilation Industry Association (EVIA), the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA), the Association of German Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Companies (VDKF) and the Air Handling Technology Section of the Federation of German Machine and Plant Manufacturers (VDMA ALT). Also in Hall 8, visitors will find a special exhibition on ventilation in schools, which is also the starting point for tours of the fair focusing on ventilation in educational institutes, and the home ventilation exhibition, which also offers the chance to exchange ideas and information at an information stand.
Hotspot Wood Energy: The Wood Energy Forum in Hall 11.0 focuses on the great importance of wood as a resource for climate protection and supply security. This meeting place for experts has been organised by the BDH and ZVSHK associations in cooperation with other partners from the sector. Manufacturers of wood-fired central heating systems, individual fireplaces and systems for flue gas technology, as well as exhibitors from related branches of industry, are located in the immediate vicinity.
Hotspot Building Technology: The Building Technology Forum in Hall 10.3 spotlights the latest technologies and developments in the field of intelligent building services. This meeting place for the real-estate and housing sectors has been organised by the Building Automation and Controls Association in the Federation of German Machine and Plant Manufacturers (VDMA) and the Federal German Industrial Association for Building Services and Technical Installations (BTGA).
Hotspot Water: Part of the ISH Water section, this platform for knowledge transfer and inspiration is located in Hall 3.1. With four themes that are set to be of decisive significance for holistic bathroom planning over the coming years, the ‘ Pop up my Bathroom’ special show provides trend-oriented information for knowledge transfer and inspiration. Additionally, a discussion forum – the ‘Pop up my Bathroom Atelier’ – with workshops and panel discussions offers a great opportunity for the exchange of information on a personal plane.
To cater for the consequences of demographic change, the installation trade must satisfy the steep rise in demand for barrier-free and care bathrooms over the coming years. In Hall 3.1, the ZVSHK association presents a complete range of important information and services it offers about barrier-free and care bathrooms.
Hotspot Innovation: Design Plus Award powered by ISH focuses on innovative products. The renowned Design Plus competition seeks future-oriented products distinguished by an optimum combination of sustainability, aesthetics and functionality. The ‘Bathroom Comfort for Generations’ ZVSHK product awards honour the most convincing product solutions for cross-generational bathrooms and will be presented at ‘Design for All’, a well-publicised event within the framework of ISH 2023.
Hotspot Young Competence: Young people are not forgotten at ISH: Plumbing Champions@ISH 2023 not only provides a unique international learning and networking experience for up-and-coming talents but also promotes exciting new corporate social responsibility collaborations between the sanitaryware industry and non-profit organisations. Additionally, the ‘Berufsgenossenschaft Bau’ employers’ liability insurance association offers an occupational safety seminar for trainees in the sanitary and HVAC sector. Although working as a craftsperson is interesting and varied, such work also involves numerous dangers from day to day. The inexperienced use of tools and hazardous substances can cause injuries. However, this can be avoided – if people find out in advance about the dangers involved and how to avoid them.
For the first time, there will also be an exclusive ‘Creator Space’ at the coming ISH. This blend of information and entertainment is seen as the meeting place for the sanitary and HVAC social-media community. The ‘Creator Space’ is located in Hall 9.0.
There is a huge number of new products covering a broad spectrum to be found at ISH 2023. Free guided tours of the international meeting place for the sector offer orientation and an opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions with experts. The tours take visitors to selected exhibition stands and highlight the most interesting products and manufacturers in the opinion of the guide.
Full details of the multifarious events on the programme of ISH 2023 can be found at www.ish.messefrankfurt.com/events.
ISH Digital Extension
Parallel to ISH 2023 in Frankfurt and for one week longer, the accompanying digital platform for the industry meeting place will open. From 13 to 24 March 2023, the ISH Digital Extension offers participants the chance to take part in the fair virtually. One advantage is the opportunity to make targeted contacts. Thanks to an AI-aided matchmaking system, users can find potential customers or suppliers, and contact them either at the fair or digitally. Moreover, individual items on the programme of events can be seen as on-demand videos whenever it suits the user.
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